“I’m not an inventor, I'm an improver. I improve things that are broken. This system is broken. I'd like to improve it.
Working in supply chain, logistics and transportation partners across the country for the last two decades, we began to realize just how severely broken the current systems are, managing our supply chain and distribution of goods in America.
Commercial waste in America has reached epidemic proportions.
We consistently find big holes in our supply chain, wasteful business practices and gaps in accessible options provided by community support organizations.
When we also recognized the increase in economic hardship in our communities, having limited access to affordable food, basic necessities and supplies – families and small businesses are suffering.
We built Odd Lots as a solution that would end wasteful and inefficient business practices and turn Surplus into a Support for our communities. I didn’t feel like I had a choice. I have to do this.
Our Supply Chain systems are broken, inefficient and wasteful. We believe we can do much better, Together."